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The User Settings is where user permissions and access are set up for the modules of Timetrak, their colour scheme and MYOB Exo branch settings.
Profile Selection
Users can be assigned a set
profile other than the 'Default'
TaskTrak User
Tick this setting if the user is to have access to TaskTrak.
This will use up a TaskTrak License.
TimeTrak Mobile User
Tick this setting if the user is to have access to TimeTrak Mobile
This will use up a Mobile License.
Overwrite Global Settings
This tick box means this user will have custom settings for their setup and will no longer inherit from the Global setup.
Restricted User
Restricted user is a setting that blocks the user from viewing any customer or job details.
It is typically used where a 'subcontracted' user who needs to enter time, but they do not need to know any other details.
Modify Settings
Click on this button to give the user being set up permissions different from the
Global User permissions.
Group Administrator
Within TimeTrak there is a group structure and groups are used to group users into business units.
Group Administrators have the additional rights to add, edit and delete users calendar entries within their groups and run group based reports.
Group Administrators can login to the TimeTrak Administrator Console and administer the full system.
Global Administrator
The Global Administrator setting allows the user full access to the TimeTrak system.
They can run reports grouped for the whole organisation and they can edit, add or delete any time entry for any user.
The Global Administrator has full access to the TimeTrak Administrator Console.
Time Balancing Check Date
This is the date that compulsory Time balancing will run from. It would typically be set as the 'Go Live' date when the system is first installed.
Start Date
This date captures the users start date within TimeTrak.
Salary Wage Cost
The wage cost function allows the administrator to set the cost value when posting transactions to MYOB Exo.
This is designed to accurately cost salaried employees.
Wage cost calculation option
The cost can be calculated hourly or daily.
An example is where your user is paid a salary of $800.00 a day
If the user works for 8 hours for the day then the cost will go through to the job at $100 an hour.
If the user works for 10 hours for the day then the cost will go through to the job at $80 an hour.
This function looks at the hours worked and multiplies it by the set daily wage costs.
Screen Colour pickers
Select the foreground, background and calendar colours for the user.
These colours will flow into the Print Schedule Reports also.
Branch Selection
A user can have a default branch set against them which posts the time against back into MYOB Exonet.
Default Job
If the user has a default job this can be set here.
Their time will default to that job when creating tasks and time entries.
User can change their default job
Set this to allow the users to change their default job to another job.
Payroll Code
This field must match the users code they have when set up into the Payroll System, then when time is exported from TimeTrak into the Payroll it will pick up the correct user.