
Customer Group - Task Wizard Mode

Within the task wizard mode users can create pages within the Client Portal website which require the client to fill out.
This is great if you have questions related to different stages of an issue.
For example -     Client cannot get past the login screen of their PC.
Customer Group - Task Wizard Mode

Enable New Task Wizard check

Tick this to start the task creation wizard from scratch.

Page List

This will show any existing pages for the task creation.

Copy Task Form Layout

This will pull through the default task form layout from the Task Form Layout tab.

Enable Existing Task Wizard

If a task wizard has already been created for a different Customer Group it can be reused.

Copy New Task Wizard



In both wizards the Add button will allow users to create a new page:
Once the page has a name and description then the fields can be added.
The field options are:
Please note Task Type and Task Type Questions information is here.
When adding a task field you will get a screen like this:
The Name and Label text are pre-populated. The Label Text can be modified.
Enter in validation text if you are requiring the user to enter in correct information.
Enter in the Text position.
Define if the field is requiring a response or if it is read only.
If the user is to select an option from a drop down list, tick that option on.


Click to edit a task page.


Click to remove a task page.