
Checklist - Checklist Item

Checklist - Checklist Item

Checklist Item Name

The checklist item will need a meaningful name. It can be a short version of the question itself.


Each checklist item can belong to a group.
The ellipse button will allow users to get up a group. At least one group will need to be created.
  • Clicking on Add will provide another screen in which the Group Name and description can be entered.
  • Clicking on Edit to change an existing Group.
  • Clicking on Delete will remove a Group.

Checklist Item Type

Select the type of item, for more information on the set up around an item see following details.

Label Text

This is the text that will display on the screen within the TimeTrak Mobile Checklist.

Default Text

If you need the field to have a default value in it to speed up the selection process that can be entered in here.

Validation Text

If required some text can be added in here to validate the response from the user against.
For example: The user might be required to enter in a date field for the current year and that year value could be added into the Validation Text.

Validation Reg Ex.

The validation regular expression text is a format of text your are expecting the user to enter.
For example a valid email address.

Help Text

Enter in help text for the user to access via the website for instruction on what is required in the field.


Tick this on to make the field an enforced entry.