These settings are usually set by the Exosoft Consultant during the installation and are required.
The email settings allow users to email internally (Task assignment or update notifications) and externally (Client task notifications).
Your IT Provider should be able to supply these details and if they are updated TimeTrak will also need to be updated.
Email From Address
The from address is the address all emails will be sent from, both internally and externally.
tip. It is a good idea to keep this email address generic and not an actual users email address.
SMTP Server Name
The SMTP server name is required.
SMTP server requires an
encrypted connection (SSL) check
SMTP server requires
authentication check
SMTP Server User Name
If the SMTP Server requires authentication enter in the Username here.
SMTP Server Password
If the SMTP Server requires authentication enter in the Username here.
Enable Work Verification
Email check
This feature enables an additional email notification inside Time Entries. This allows users to send an email to customer when creating a time entry.
This is used to get customer sign off as time is entered.
Outlook Add-in
This field is to support hosted exchange or servers which are having trouble connecting to the Outlook Add-in.